Breakthru Arizona Donates $5,000 to Support Air Force Service Members
Jun. 13, 2017
Hundreds of thousands of brave men and women risk their lives to defend this country every day, and they deserve to have someone look after them and their family should tragedy strike. Since 2006, the Fighter Country Foundation has been that source of support for the airmen and airwomen of the Air Force. The nonprofit has made a significant impact on the lives of those brave service members by providing a variety of programs to support active members currently deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as providing assistance to families of fallen heroes.
The values held by the FCF are ones that Breakthru Arizona hold as well, as our associates are passionate about protecting those that protect us.
“The Fighter Country Foundation is an incredible organization that has such a positive impact on so many service families,” said Gary Lederer, Breakthru Arizona Executive Vice President, Sales and Marketing. “We’re honored to donate $5,000 to the Fighter Country Foundation to help them continue to work hard for the brave men and women serving this country.”
The range of services provided by the FCF include:
- Operation Thunderbox: Provide basic necessities to deployed service members
- Operation Warmheart/Unit Spouse and Family Support Fund: Provides assistance to military families
- Financial counseling
- Parenting assistance
- Relocation assistance
- Variety of other assistance programs
To learn more about how you can get involved with the Fighter Country Foundation, please visit: