May 19, 2023
Within recent years, companies have taken into consideration the health of the environment and how it has become one of the top priorities for consumers. In fact, 74% of consumers care about the environmental impact of the products they purchase according to the Business of Sustainability Index by GreenPrint, a PDI company. Additionally, sustainability in the food and restaurant industry is more prevalent than ever; 70% of consumers are more likely to make environmentally friendly purchases within this category.
At Breakthru we are proud to work with businesses that operate with sustainability as a priority. Sustainability in the beer industry can be a difficult concept to practice considering beer, as many people know, is not the most environmentally friendly business. Natural resources, an abundance of water, energy, and heat are needed to brew the most popular beers on the market. Read on to learn how our brewery partners take steps towards preserving the environment.
Unfiltered Beers and Earth-Friendly Ingredients
Breaking down the meaning of unfiltered beer, these flavorful brews are not flushed out with excess water during the beer making process, which results in a more complex taste and decreased water usage. Dogfish Head Brewery in Delaware celebrates Earth Month by releasing two exclusive unfiltered beers inspired by the earth and brewed with 100% regeneratively grown malts and organic hops. Regenerative farming is a holistic approach to diminishing chemicals in soils by minimally using water, fertilizer and pesticides.
Save the Water, Recycle Smarter
In an effort to keep contaminants out of the ocean, North Coast Brewing Co. discharges used water to the municipal wastewater treatment plant, rather than allowing the water to flow into the stormwater system. Since 2015, the California State Water Resources Control Board has certified that the brewery’s facility operations have reached the highest level attainable of water quality requirements, that being “No Exposure.” This credential reinforces North Coast Brewing’s mitigation of contaminants is effective and there is no exposure to the stormwater system or nearby ocean.
Solar Panels Bring the Heat
Harnessing solar energy plays a large role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change. At New Belgium Brewing, solar panels have been installed to work towards reducing emissions. The brewery’s Fort Collins Packaging Hall is covered with 296 kilowatts of solar panels that provide the energy needed to operate canning and bottling lines.
Similarly, BrewDog is a UK-based brewery, but operates globally, in an effort to lessen unnecessary transportation. The facility in Columbus, Ohio is in the final stages of adapting to solar installation with intent to cover all the electrical needs for the brewery.
Image provided by New Belgium
Transportation to a Cleaner Future
Reducing transportation plays a large role in eliminating waste and lessening emissions, as our partners at Sierra Nevada know. Sierra Nevada Brewery, located in Chico, California, uses rail spurs to offload bulk malt and decrease fuel usage. One railcar carries four truckloads of malt to reduce fuel use and emissions. Additionally, the brewery converts vegetable oil to biodiesel for trucks and farm equipment to operate.
Using natural resources, maintaining clean waterways, utilizing solar panels and consolidating transportation are all efforts taken to practice sustainability. We commend our brewery partners for their efforts towards building up the environment by developing and improving their practices.
Many of the above breweries put a great effort into sustainable practices, however, only one practice per brewery will be highlighted. Learn more about their significant efforts through the brewery’s websites.