Jun. 17, 2020
The spirits market has never been more challenging than it is now, which is why seeing our friends at Diageo find new ways to reach consumers is as refreshing as a Ketel One Botanical cocktail. Their new campaign, #TipsFromHome, brings a master class in mixology to consumers through weekly Instagram stories featuring videos from some of the most exciting cocktail artists in the industry today.
Mixing it up online
It’s a deceptively simple recipe for success, working with prominent Instagram influencers to use their existing reach to share brands like Ketel One Botanical with a larger audience. The campaign has already yielded incredible results, with over 11 million users reached as of May 28, including over 900K organic impressions and more than 40K organic engagements as consumers are inspired to interact with the content.
Content worth liking
In addition to the increased brand visibility with consumers, the #TipsFromHome campaign is also bringing about a positive change for deserving charitable organizations such as the USBG Bartender Emergency Assistance Program. Each week, Diageo pledges to make a $1 donation to participating charities for each comment post that tags the brand and includes the #TipsFromHome and #DiageoDonation hashtags. As of May 28, 767 donations had been made by the company.
We’re proud to be working with Diageo to promote these efforts each week. Keep following our social channels for more information and call us today to place your order for these trending brands.